KeyShot Forum

Technical discussions => Extending KeyShot => Scripting => Topic started by: andy.engelkemier on October 12, 2020, 01:41:37 PM

Title: set material color and label?
Post by: andy.engelkemier on October 12, 2020, 01:41:37 PM
I scanned through documentation and it Looks like you can't do this, but I thought I'd ask.

I'd like to create a folder of textures with specific ID's in the name. Then either a text file, cvs, xml, whatever might work, that contained a hex value.
The script would run through and either change the material and textures for each, and render the file, with that given ID name. OR alternatively it would create a multi-material with All the color variations, and also create a studio for each one. That seems messier, but you could then render them all by just adding all the studios to the queue at once, which would probably be better if you plan on using the network to render.

Either way, I don't think any of this is possible? But I figured I'd ask.
This is the kind of thing that is useful to me for scripting. Creating all the material options is the time consuming part. Oh, that and fixing the mess of files you get output from animations.  ::)
Title: Re: set material color and label?
Post by: mattjgerard on October 13, 2020, 06:29:08 AM
I reaaaaaaaly wish scripting was much more accessible to the average user. It seems very thinly documented, and not user friendly in a Keyshot specific way. Other than cramming in a month of python programming classes, theres really no way for the non-coder to access (or just know what is possible) the scripting side of things.
Title: Re: set material color and label?
Post by: andy.engelkemier on November 03, 2020, 07:12:50 AM
I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to create a useful script if they can't code. A listener would Greatly help with that. But it doesn't much matter because not very much useful is actually exposed.
Title: Re: set material color and label?
Post by: AutomaticDesign on February 22, 2021, 02:51:07 AM
I think most of the things you wrote is possible.

We do much automation in KeyShot and with Python scripting. It depends on the project which way you automate the process. For one customer we had endless different label textures. For that we replaced the textures in the material file and saved them to the harddisk. Afterwards we rendered all the combination with a different script.

For our configurator system and displaying millions of combinatinos we developed some kind of setting file. Then a dialog pops out in KeyShot and ask which combinations to render.
The video is german but I added some subtitles.