Caustics Series (latest; No.008 - Deep Dive - Page 2)

Started by DMerz III, March 16, 2021, 07:01:57 AM

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No.005 - bringing back some of the concepts from the others into a product-focused scene. Also experimenting with scattering medium to pick up on the spot-light beam ever so slightly - as a happy accident, this also created even more subtle texture in the caustics.


You really shouldn't put your glass so close to the edge like that, David. Someone's bound to knock it off.  ;)


 ;) @tgs808 - I'd like to think the caustics are little ion thrusters and giving the glass a little extra support.

Back here with a revision to this scene - I had made an error with the liquid body which is a long story, but here's an updated image.

Eric Summers

If someone doesn't knock it off, it's going to fall off if you fill it up much more! :o
Oh, and the caustics look pretty sweet! 8)


Dramatic deviation from my typical work - this latest installment of my caustic series explores Volumetric lighting, and bouncing a beam between mirrors (and getting the reflection of that beam to be visible in the mirrors, which is oddly, not something that's easy to achieve in other engines). Keyshot 10.2 was used here, but I believe Keyshot 10.1 would have also worked.



Re-worked this whiskey glass render once again - this time with a closeup to see more of those beautiful lacey caustic patterns below. Made some adjustments to the scene overall including reducing the 'bloom' from the previous glass, adjusting the liquid color to my liking, tweaking the volumetric beam, and adding some more definition/crispness to the caustic pattern.


Technically and visually speaking your work is really  interesting, this an excellent technical demonstration of physical light capabilities of keyshot, great job :)


Caustic Series No.007 — just in time for summer.

This one was built specifically to test the A6000's VRAM - went insanely small with the displacement triangle size to crank up those polygons.
Base mesh was modeled in Blender brought into Keyshot 10. Trying to recreate ice crystals/frost has been something I've been wanting to attempt for a while, and pretty pleased with the results. Helps when you do not need to worry about polycount!



Another rendition for the Caustics Series. No.008 - Deep Dive
Using my special technique to generate a density map (.vdb) in Blender which is driving the bubble geometry node in Keyshot 10.2 here.

Rendered w/ GPU mode on the Nvidia RTX A6000 in high-resolution 4096px²


Hossein Alfideh

Saw this on your IG and couldn't wait to see the 4k version in here! Genius work David!


Where were you when Pink Floyd needed you! :) Amazing work, as always.