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Keep graph layout

Started by Esben Oxholm, December 12, 2017, 01:42:47 AM

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Esben Oxholm


I wish that the layout of the graph nodes would stay fixed in place - unless I hit the sort button myself.
At the moment, everything packs together when adding nodes, copying nodes, etc.

It is not too big of a hassle for small graph, but for more complex materials and multi-materials it can be quite annoying.

See example here:

Is it by the way possible to view only one of the multi-materials in the graph instead of all at once?

Will Gibbons

Good point Esben. I've noticed this myself. Let's see what can be done about this.

It seems to only be happening on windows and not on Mac. Also, I'll add that I didn't see it align nodes when duplicating. Just when adding a new node by right-clicking on a connector.

Let me know if there's anything else related to this you notice.
