Pre-Package/Network Package Check Protocol

Started by DMerz III, May 17, 2016, 07:39:37 AM

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Hey guys!

I think I have a new suggestion that I wasn't able to spot on here yet.

My team works on several computers and often we are passing files around to one another, which makes the Package KSP feature super important for us. We also rely heavily on our Network Render capabilities to keep our workstations open and render at the same time. A large part of how we work relies on Viewsets with a custom HDZ attached.

We have run into a few problems though in regards to some KSPs not packaging HDZs properly. It's a bit random for us but we think it has to do with the Viewset losing it's path to the HDZ, whether it didn't save the path correctly or we forgot to update our Viewset. This sometimes results in the next person unpacking the Keyshot and missing an HDZ. It also seems to affect us when we send something to the Network to render, sometimes the HDZ becomes unlinked and it'll render the StartUp environment, or a texture will not render.

My suggestion would be some kind of pre-check that you can enable. Which will prompt you to check to make sure the correct HDZ is attached to each light and etc. Similar to how Adobe InDesign has a package warning. It will notify you if your HDZ doesn't package properly, or a link goes missing.

I know there is a log option in the preferences, but this for some reason doesn't catch the problem before we send something to render on the network or package. It only gives us a notification after the package has been unpackaged elsewhere.

Hope this doesn't sound too vague! Willing to offer some suggestions on how this would operate if I can, though I am in no regards a coder.




This particular issue should be fixed in KeyShot 6.2