Mauricio Ruiz Design - Concept Art, Character & Creatures

Started by Mauricio Ruiz Design, June 21, 2018, 02:42:45 PM

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Mauricio Ruiz Design

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Here's a bunch of the turntables of all the creatures in this aquatic scene:

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Here's a handful of renders of my models without the water / atmosphere / scattering medium.

Mauricio Ruiz Design

In Her Clutches

Here's some turntables and images of one of my fish sculpts. This was heavily influenced by a group of soft-bodied, marine gastropod molluscs called Nudibranchs. They are magnificently colorful and unique, and there are about 3,000 verified species out there that we know of.

Concept Inspiration:

"Europa's inner ocean may be capable of supporting simple lifeforms. A proposed lander may go and look for them in the 2030's." - NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center

Mauricio Ruiz Design

In Her Clutches

Here's some more turntables and images of one of my fish sculpts. This was influenced by Nautilus and Squid bodies. Cephalopods are a great source of inspiration to me.

Full Scene Concept Inspiration:

"Europa's inner ocean may be capable of supporting simple lifeforms. A proposed lander may go and look for them in the 2030's." - NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center

Mauricio Ruiz Design

The Billowing Howls of the Lilac

I started this creature from my Creature Kits' African Lion Teeth & Gums set! I wanted to show how far these Teeth Kitbash sets can be changed unique ways.

Some ideas behind the concept -

Mygalomorph Bears dig a burrow in the ground that is lined with silk and a trapdoor that is difficult to see when it is closed because the plant and soil materials effectively camouflage it. The trapdoor is hinged on one side with silk. They use these burrows to raise their young and for protection. Burrows may reach 15 m in depth and around 1.5 m width. Some of the Mygalomorph Bears dig simple, tube-like burrows, while others excavate additional side tunnels for extra hiding places.

Male Mygalomorph Bears leave their burrows in search of a mate during humid weather. The male dies shortly after mating with the female. The eggs are kept in the mother's burrow in a cocoon. After hatching, the Mygalomorph Bear cubs stay in the burrow for some time and eventually emerge to disperse and fend for themselves.

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Mauricio Ruiz Design


Here's some screenshots of myCreature Kit's African Lion Teeth & Gums set I sell on my Artstation store to help other creature designers get a head start by using existing animal teeth sets as a foundation to deviate from. Personally, I prefer to design my own concepts than use other people's Kitbash designs, but with these animal teeth, I am not the designer, so it's a great way to advance your creativity without introducing other artists work into your own.

Mauricio Ruiz Design

Hi Everyone!

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Rodan Final Approved 3D Concept

I was brought on to the Godzilla: King of the Monsters pre-production phase through Studio ADI to help design Rodan, King Ghidorah and Mothra. We ended up focusing on Rodan, after sculptor Tim Martin created an awesome maquette for Rodan based on some of the thumbnail silhouettes I had sketched up early in the design process. After 3D scanning his sculpture, I was tasked with redesigning and developing all the further iterations of Rodan's body (Wing variations, hand / claw variations, head variations, tail variations, color designs, scale designs and variations, fire / lava and debris designs, poses, etc.) all of which was a group effort in the design department consisting of Bryan Wynia who sculpted the wing texture in this final 3D concept, Ken Barthelmey, Miguel Gerrero, Justice Joseph, for a brief moment, Carlos Huante, and myself. The Sculpting Department included Tim Martin on Rodan and Adam Dougherty on Mothra, all supervised by Tom Woodruff Jr.

You can see the turntables on the Amazing Animations forum here: