Dominic Qwek's Art Dump

Started by DominicQwek, January 01, 2013, 04:44:39 PM

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Hope everyone had a great 2012. Wishing everyone an awesome 2013 ahead! I'll be dumping my keyshot rendered pieces here in the future in chronological order starting from the earliest. I've included a bunch of stuff i did for 2012 in the first post. You can find more shots on my website.



Rakshasa Demon. More shots on my website

Space jockey inspired concept.


Deacon concept very much inspired by Prometheus. Rendered in keyshot and touched up in photoshop.

A Cyclops concept sculpt. This render is right out of Keyshot.


Happy New Year !
Love the images. Can't wait to see more.
It's a keeper.


Happy New Year. Awesome work! You are using Z-Brush, I assume?


nice stuff , keep em coming.
Good to see organic stuff rendered with Keyshot...not that I dont like cars :P but still prefer flesh over metal (I reserve that for the music taste :P)



Quote from: Thomas Teger on January 02, 2013, 07:15:38 AM
Happy New Year. Awesome work! You are using Z-Brush, I assume?

Hey Thomas, Thanks! Yes, there were sculpted in Zbrush.


Tim, Cheers.

evilmaul, thanks. Really looking forward to see what KS4 brings and hopefully most of the new additions will trickle into the educational version. :)


Patient zombie concept. Did a bunch of SSS renders to comp in Photoshop, I went with a simple 3 point light setup, the background was later comped in photoshop as well. I did 3-4 sss renders, a standard grey shader and an alpha matte. Hope it's not too obscene for you peeps.. but I mean if you watch Walking Dead, this is really not that bad at all.


Here's another concept I did. The idea started from a doodle. I had to quickly execute the sculpt to capture that image in my mind's eye.

Amphibious, subterranean, bug-eating pygmy creature. Tribal... I think. Ingestion happens in that orifice on his belly where insects are slowly dissolved by stomach acid. The spindly hook claw is for digging out insects in those hard to reach areas.

I hardly did any post in photoshop with this render. I rendered 2 different sets of SSS passes and a bone material pass. I then blended the SSS layers and masked out the bone material for his head. I'll post more shots soon.



Also makes much sense from a biological point of view.  ;D
Why chew and swallow when the only thing you eat are squishy bugs? Just put 'm straight in the gut!  8)



.. yeah and if you don't chew them, perhaps they have time to reproduce before being digested .........  ;D


LOL. Thanks guys. Here are the other shots fresh from the oven.


Looks like some of the images are gone. Can you please repost? Awesome, disturbing work.


Thomas, do you mean my older works from 2012?


Gad!  And we were planning on Italian food tonight!  Man, your work is awesome!
Bill G
