Need Solution for FADE/TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM in KeyShot 5 for Mac.

Started by MisterNeil, September 08, 2014, 01:53:17 PM

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Hello fellow KeyShot users:

I just discovered a MAJOR problem with KeyShot 5 for the Mac which was confirmed by Luxoin's tech support moments ago. Fades do not reproduce properly or at all when outputting PNGs with transparency (BTW, TIFFs also experience the same problem). See my two attachments: 1st one is the rendering preview window with all elements included while the 2nd file is the actual rendering, and everything is missing except for the 3D model in the center.

THIS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM and is not mentioned on Luxoin's website's forum nor in the New Features page. There should be an asterisk somewhere noting Fades are not compatible with PNGs with transparencies. If I had been aware of this known issue beforehand, I would not have advertised/presented this feature to my marketing team. My deadline for my project nears, and I have no 3D solution to offer them.

Luxion's tech support told me that their current future beta version of KeyShot does not fix this transparency problem either.

Can anyone offer me a work-around on how to resolve this fade problem when rendering PNGs with transparencies???????????????

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.




Hi Neil, if it's purely a Mac OS X thing do you not have a Windows PC to render this problem project on ?


Chad Holton

The only workaround I can think of at the moment is to use two videos (or renderings) and fade the one over the other with compositing or editing software. This is how this video was done a few years ago:



I'm not sure if this fade rendering issue is exclusive to Macs only, but Luxion's official response is, "We have confirmed that this is a bug and we will address this immediately. It should make it into the 5.1 release."

Regarding the PC version, perhaps someone can perform a test with fades and export PNGs with transparencies to confirm if they are affected as well? Chad, thank you for your workaround suggestion. But, my animation consists of over 1300 frames and composting in an editing software will probably take much longer to perform than if I was able to render it correctly the first time.
