Evilmaul himself

Started by evilmaul, July 30, 2013, 08:07:56 AM

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work in progress but I thought I would share the first results


The Sith Lord returns! Looking great Marco!


Fantastic work Marco!subblime davvero


Even the fluffy fabric, your attention to detail is amazing, it's another jaw dropper :)




My God!  Your work is more than awesome- it's at the level of a Master!  Great meeting you at SIGGRAPH- it was very amusing to see folks looking at your self-portrait on the huge monitor, then turn around and you were standing right behind them- a lot of jaws dropped!
Bill G


Awesome! And you shaved! Including your eyebrows :-D


hahaha yes I thought why would I need eyebrows?!
thanks guys! will post more when I get to work more on this


Really amazing...

I'm wondering, to what extent do the translucency and specularity differ from your regular 'head shots'.



WOW ! I really do not know how you do it. Would love to pick your brain someday on your technique.
Thanks for sharing.

Jeff Hayden

Absolutely awesome as always.



thank you very much guys!

Dries so what has changed in these renders is just the diffuse map. So now because of how SSS work here you have a much less evident translucency in the skin. The black part of the paint actually removes the effect altogether while you still have scattering to some degree in the red part of the paint (I am curious thou to see if for instance the thinnier parts like the ears painted black would let the light scatter at all in real life).
The fact that there is less scattering also make the surface detail stands out more..and its a common thing that because of the SSS small detail tends to be washed out, often time we crank up the displacement to counterbalance the lost of detail. So here I will probably have to back off a little onthe amount of surface detail. As for the spec , even though the map is the same again the paint , especially the black part, make the face look shinier overall.


Aha, thanks for the notes, Marco.

Strictly technically speaking...
Wouldn't face paint make the skin less translucent (more opaque), no matter what the diffuse color?
How would you go about turning yourself into a mime artist? :D

These are still badass renders though. :)



thanks Dries..

well here the Diffuse component actually IS the face paint color (although has been painted on top of the actually skin diffuse and some part are still showing through the paint) and yes black color means zero translucency..so like I said compared to the face without paint there is a reduced amount (in the red parts) of sss whilst it's basically zero amount in the black areas.

not sure about a mime artist but it could be an idea for next halloween costume party :)