"Add to scene" not avaible on import

Started by Nowa, October 04, 2012, 01:23:12 AM

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Hi guys,

I'm working freelance for a company, and they have given me IGS files to import in Keyshot and render them out... Now, the first couple of IGS files worked great, but now I'm getting a weird window when trying to import the IGS files... Before it said "Add to scene", but now that entire block in the import window is gone...

It IS there though, in my scene description... The model name and all its components are all there and checked; the model just doesn't show up in my render view or main window... I restarted the program many times, but nothing seems to get my model to show up... Using Keyshot 3.3.33

How can I fix this?


It's detecting something, but it's not exactly what I need...

(If above link doesn't work: http://i45.tinypic.com/mwxpjm.png )


"add to scene" only shows up upon subsequent imports. Can you share your model? Also, why are you using IGES? Ask for the native geometry, or at least a STEP file.


I use IGES or OBJ too.  The reason is that a STEP sometimes loses data.  If I do a sweep or loft in Inventor and save it as a step file, I only end up with the top & botom planes in cases.


Why don't you import the native Inventor file?



Any neutral file format is lossy to begin with. When you have the option of using the native file format, then do it.


I just got reminded why I'm not always importing direct from Inventor to KS.

When you use "representations" in Inventor, things don't always go right in KS.  Also sometimes certain geometry doesn't want to import in KS.  I'm thinking maybe cuz derived parts etc.