Resolution Question

Started by TMiller, September 14, 2016, 01:51:52 PM

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Hello All:
I am an infrequent user of Keyshot and I don't have a photography background, so I am having a little difficulty understanding resolution.  I have a project I'm starting for some catalog shots, but the client has asked that I create them with adequate resolution to possibly be used for posters later. The render settings have the resolution line and then below that the print size with a DPI settings.  I tried entering 36" by 24" but at 300 DPI it wouldn't let me do that. In order to have a print size of 36 inches, I had to lower the DPI.  Isn't this going to result in a poster that is blurry.  Also - can I use one setting and do one render that will work for both the catalog shots.  I am running Keyshot HD V5.  If upgrading to 6 and or Pro would help, I'm open to that.  Thanks.


Don't use inches when specifying the resolution.  Use pixels.  So a render 36" x 24" would result in 10,800 x 7200, at 300 DPI.  Don't panic when you import the image into Photoshop and it shows as 72 DPI.  Simply uncheck "resize" and change it to 300.  Then it will be the correct 36" x 24" in Photoshop.
Bill G


And yes you will need to upgrade to KeyShot 6 at least.


Thanks Guys, I'll upgrade and try that.  One more question: Is this going to slow my render time significantly?


What is? Rendering an image that large? KeyShot operates very linearly. Example:
- An image with a resolution of 2,000 by 1,000 pixels takes 10min to render
- Therefore, an image with a resolution of 10,000 by 5,000 pixels will take 5 * 5 = 25 times as long. It will take 250min.

I hope this helps.