What does "50%" mean when I use two different GPU

Started by Higuchi, April 01, 2021, 12:28:24 AM

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Hi administrator,

I'm wondering if I can properly use GPU power. I'm using both RTX4000 and P2000, and also I understand that two different GPU doesn't totally make sense. So, I'm satisfied if I can get the power from RTX4000 which has higher spec than P2000.

But, I'm just worried about "50%" on display. It doesn't mean that I make RTX4000 half of original power, do it?


That's what it means. Click on the down arrow to select a different power setting. That is helpful on systems that are not so powerful. The user can throttle back the cpu core requirements for KS or use all cores it they want.


You mean that I can properly use 100% RTX4000 power, don't you? If so, there is no problem.


Try changing it to 100% and see what happens.
From the KeyShot 10 Help manual:


Thank you for attaching the caption. But, I can't control the number except for selecting GPU. So, I can't understand what the percentage means actually.


Sorry, I seemed to misunderstand a few things. The number of percentage is likely to be related to how much GPUs I use. As you can see attached image, when I select RTX4000 & P2000, it becomes 100%, although I guess only RTX4000 really works in this condition.


Since KeyShot doesn't recognize a valid GPU on my computer I only see percentage of CPU and can select the number of cores my installation uses. IF KeyShot allows you to select between CPU and GPU on you computer and it is listing two GPU's then when only one is selected that is the 50% and, as you illustrate with the image, with both selected that's 100%. Given that, it looks like any GPU will run at its 100% and what is shown is the percentage of the available GPU's selected. Support would have to verify, but my guess is that if you had four GPU's and only one selected then the percentage displayed would be 25%.