Ease in/out graph editor

Started by Arian Shamil, October 31, 2017, 02:56:13 AM

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Arian Shamil

I would really appreciate some way (for example with a graph editor) to edit the ease in/out curves....It can really be a game change for KS.
I mean, without some options to edit curves the animation are very limited....I really hope to see it  on next release because right now, to create some nice movement, the user is forced to use some other application to create it then import to KS....
Thanks in advance

Esben Oxholm


yes, yes! just mirror after effects timeline and keyframe stuff, and be done with it. I'm sure its not too hard :)

Eugen Fetsch

+1 from me too.
Have to switch to other software suits very often, just because of the missing graph editor. This is an industry standard for animations and should be in the top 10 for To-Do.


Thank you. This is on our list for v8.

Arian Shamil

Thanks to you...I really hope to see it on KS8