Who is the luxion team ?

Started by PeterSchmidt, March 13, 2010, 06:26:24 AM

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Hi and welcome,

I already asked this question at the Develop3D blog but did not get an answer, maybe this is a better place to get an answer.

I would like to know how many people are behind luxion. From the appearance at the forum I can see Thomas Teger (marketing) and Henrik Wan Jensen. Who did I miss ?




Hi Peter,

We have a small, dedicated team that continues to focus on developing, selling and supporting the best visualization application in the industry.

While the core team is small, we are closely working with partners and resellers to broaden our reach.

Hope this helps. Shoot me an e-mail if you would like to discuss further.



Hi Thomas,

that sounds great. How many people are developing keyshot ?



Same amount of people as always. In the end it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality.



Before I used 3 applications to get results, now I use Keyshot and get great results in Oneshot  :)


Excellent! Thanks for the kind words!


Hi Thomas,

of course you are absolutely right about the quality nad nobody questions that. But this is only one side of the medal regarding the Hypershot / Keyshot situation. Former users of Hypershot experienced quite mixed feelings around the new year, so I think it is natural to ask who we are dealing with now ( I for example do not know how many people have been involved while the tool was sold as hypershot ) and I would expect that you would be glad to take the opportunity to further increase the confidence into the keyshot team.




It is actually the exact same team as before that developed, marketed, sold and supported HyperShot before. And we are expanding quickly. Take a look at our partners, and our resellers.

I hope that gives you the confidence you are looking for.



How many people is enough? Its the same team man! Missing is the BS investors, the accounts and the office boy [though undoubtedly there is a new one in his place to get that hot cuppa coffee in the morning  :)]. KS and BS are re-inventing themselves, hurray to capitalism otherwise you'd still be using DOS renders in the iron curtain. Two months down the line and this will be a passing phase. Would it help to know if they have 50 guys or just a team of 5 - one of whom is Jobs? For every Apple hundreds of Oranges and Banana's didn't make it. Why open a Pandora's box, there is no answer that will satisfy your question.

So how many people are there behind KS. Actually how many people would make you happy. And whats their ethnicity. Any Chinese in there, they are taking over the world. What about women, is KS an equal opportunities company? Oh, so you have 20 guys, huh, how many in technical and how many in sales and marketing. 19 huh, Oh I see the 20th one is the office boy.

Shivani Jessica  :P


BS never had any investors, btw.


For what its worth many very well known applications are developed by a very small team. For example Cinema 4D - a well established Mac and Windows rendering and animation system is actually developed by a core team of 5 people (I was told this by a guy who works for Maxon). Most of the add on modules are done by a single person. Yet Cinema 4D is  great app. The same situation applies to many software businesses. Many more are involved in marketing and selling but the core development teams are MUCH smaller. Sure the really big names have more developers but just look at the credits of your software to see that the teams are never that big. Look at the credits for Photoshop for example....

In my experience the critical thing is the management of the resource. Companies that outsource development tend to come unstuck at some point.


Keyshot 2 has arrived now
Thomas and team should take a bow!
Who cares if the team is five or fifty
This piece of software is really nifty!
Raah Raah Keyshot
Winning a battle hard fought!
With our support you'll win the war
Luxion team you are a Star!

We're Lovin it!!



Very nice, Shivani! Thank you very much!
