1.5 hour quick turn

Started by mattjgerard, October 21, 2020, 10:06:28 AM

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Never would have been able to do this without KS! Boss came in a 2pm said we needed an image with our product for a meeting at 4pm with a huge client. I've never really worked with the Toon or outline look, but thats what they wanted. Had this in about 45 min which included reading the manual and watching couple videos on the Toon material. Spent some time after that tweaking and playing with settings. The yellow scanners and safety module we had already done in KS and for once they came into the new project from the ksp packaged files perfectly with all textures and labels. At the last minute I just snapped a screen shot for the PPT they were making and was done by 330. Loads of praise for the quick turn and exactly what they were looking for. Anything was better than what they had which was just white backed product images pasted over some google image they found. I'm not always able to spend all the time I want to on an image, but its really satisfying to be able to get this sort of look so fast. Can't imagine how long it would have taken me to figure that out with the other render engine I used to use.

Eric Summers

Well done Matt! That looks really good!