Gas flame

Started by AlexBBM, October 20, 2016, 11:44:14 AM

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Hi all! Some ideas on the material of the gas burner flame?


Will Gibbons

I think this was done and addressed somewhere else on this forum in the past year or so. I can't recall though.

It's hard to understand what you are asking. That's probably why there aren't any responses. Are those reference photos you uploaded? Are those the results you're trying to achieve? I'd suggest making each flame a plane with the emissive material applied, then using a diffuse texture for the color and an opacity texture to mask out the edges and the inner zone.




Hi Alex,
I experimented something with Xray material.
Attached the material applied to a stretched sphere .
Sure the material parameters need to be adjusted according to different shapes and the highlights pushed in photoshop.
Attached a screenshot of the result, the material graph and the exported material .
I hope it can be helpful.


Very nice! I've never played with the xray material myself, looks like a great use of it


2Livingstone: very nice, thx!!!