KeyShot Forum

Technical discussions => Lighting => Topic started by: Artbot on February 11, 2021, 05:38:31 PM

Post by: Artbot on February 11, 2021, 05:38:31 PM
I am probably missing something. When I have, in this case, 3 spotlights set up and the 3 are showing up fine in Light Manager and in Main view and Geometry view also -- it seems that I can do things like change the size of a spotlight within Light Manager and I do see the light making changes, however the actual spotlight in my Scene doesn't change the selection -- which might be selecting -- in my case -- another light. At least that is what I am seeing here. Is there a key-combination or some way to allow my selections within Light Manager to also become the dominant light selection? The way it is for me now, the spotlight changes, but the selection handles remain on the spotlight that I chose first from within the Scene itself.
Post by: Jan Simon on February 11, 2021, 10:53:03 PM
Hi Artbot,

adjusting a light parameter does indeed not change the scene selection, you're correct.

But you can double-click the name of a light in the light manager to select it in the scene. The rows with sliders etc. on it are for each light material, if you collapse these with the little plus button on the left, you'll get a list of all parts in your scene with that material applied. Click on the names in any of these rows to select that part. You can also double-click on the name of a light material to jump to the material page with that specific light material selected.

Hope this helps!
Post by: Artbot on February 12, 2021, 09:15:32 AM
I have gone back after reading your helpful response,  and I now see that in order to double-click to get the result to access the Scene Tree and the light located within that Scene Tree, I first have to toggle on the word Spotlight material... to reveal (one level below) the actual Spotlight that I need to affect (not the material). When I double-click on the first word available "Spotlight" in the Light Manager, it opens the Material Editor instead of what I wanted.

I guess that I can learn to work that way, although-to me it seems counter-intuitive. But thank you, I wouldn't have been able to figure this out without your help.