Settings for avoiding a mac falling into sleep mode

Started by mercury, March 20, 2019, 02:58:01 PM

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thanks for sharing your workflow. In fact finally I could render today a whole animation scene remotely. I did deactivate any possibility for Display to fall asleep and just turned down screen brightness, same as yiur recommendation.

This seems to be one major aspect in performance loss.

Regarding the network rendering, this is an option I am still thinking about. As keyshot isn't very cheap at all, and the network-render license is a yearly addon, I am still not shure if it is worth for me. Until now, I did only some still image renders, and those come out mostly in good quality within max 1-2 hours.

So this could be made easily by one machine. But now I see, that rendering animations uses lots of time, and as well produces big files. Guess when animations get into focus the network rendering is an important option. Not sure if I want to jump into this theme. I have bought the KS license mostly for rendering out clean product images. But doing some animations is quite exciting as well. :)



Glad you were able to make progress. Concerning the network rendering... I only mentioned it to "cover all bases" of my various workflows and let you know how all aspects of things worked for me concerning how and when the Macs went to sleep and how it affected rendering. You're right about the cost of the network rendering but my job pays for it so it's not an issue for me. At home I am on a single Mac so, no network costs. Too costly for me alone to pay.