Photorealistic watch

Started by fix27, August 19, 2018, 10:10:41 AM

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Hi All. This is my concept watch for render weekly competition.
All modelled in Rhino.
Let me know what you think and if you have any suggest to improve the render it will be awesome  ;D ;D

Will Gibbons

Wow! This is nice! Not much to critique. Just adding my support. I dig it.

Eugen Fetsch

Taking a closer look on the images I could discover some points where (in my opinion) the renders could be improved.

There are some issues with GI cache in the corners, that are caused by the sharp shadow checkbox in the Advanced Render Settings. They are visible on both images. Try the max samples setting instead.

In the first shot I would introduce some very slight rounding on the handle edges to give them more depth.

In the second shot there is to much going on in the shadows and reflections for me, but this is just a matter of taste. Try to create your own HDRi maps for each shot, playing with reflections. You will be surprised by the results.

Hope that helps somehow ;)


It seems that the lights are not very well arranged and the contrast is not natural and a little bit too strong, and besides, CMF design is not good as the bronze color looks quiet boring.


Hi Guys thank you so much for the support and suggestions.
Camomiles  yes I noticed  I will try to improve the render by your suggestion.

Salomon I appreciated the comment of the shadow and i will improve it. About colour if you can suggest some improvement it will be awesome