Creating a lightbox effect

Started by gustavozepeda, June 24, 2014, 06:44:18 PM

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Hello again!

I have an inquiry about use of lights in KeyShot.

I want to produce something like the following, where the light passes through a translucent material and sort of diffuses the light instead of having a direct light. I attach images as examples and guidance.

Esben Oxholm


The quick way would be to apply an area light to the part the light in reality is coming through.
It's quick, but the light emitting surface will be blown out.

For a better result, you should model up all parts as they would be in real life, including a light source. Apply an area light to the light source and some semitransparent material to the diffuser-part. Then, with the correct amount of light coming from the source, you should avoid the blown out surface. It will probably take a lot longer to render, though.

I hope it made sense to you :)


Here's an example of what Esben suggested (translucent material to diffuse light).
Yes, it looks nicer.
Yes, it is much slower to render.



Thanks a million guys, I could achieve what I wanted to do  ;)!


That's supercool Dries, would you mind sharing that scene so I could have a look see ?


Esben Oxholm

Very nice, Dries!
I would love to have a look at the scene as well :)


Here's the KS5 scene.
I uploaded two versions: one with spherical area lights and one with point lights.
Theoretically the area lights should be more realistic, but in practice the point lights come really close (in this application). And point lights render much, much faster. ;)


Esben Oxholm

Thanks. Good stuff.
Good call on using a point light behind the translucent material for saving render time.