problems with label

Started by aebstract, September 13, 2011, 11:04:53 AM

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I'm trying to start using labels in my renders and am having some issues. I'm not sure that I'm even doing it right, what I'm doing is making a copy of the material that goes on the surface I want my label on and then adding it to that new material. Below is the settings I am using. My two problems are

a) label looks very choppy
b) all black on the label is transparent

Hope I can get this working :D

edit: I added a second shot with the hand warning label added to the same material. It's setup similar to the other label on the same material, the black shows up though for some reason? The white isn't too white though. The label is very crisp in color. white/red/black


I am not an expert, but I see in your options window that the image has transparency in it, try fixing that in an image editing software before bringing it to KeyShot or save it in a format that doesn't support alpha channel ...
And for the other problem, try changing the projection type and raise the depth setting, for flat surface Normal Projection works well ...


I can't get projection type to work on this one surface for some reason. It takes my image and stretches it infinitely. I also cannot get it under control enough to actually get a single image on the spot it needs to be with projection type on that one side, attached is a shot with it set to repeat.


I got the black lines to show up by saving without the channel. Still having to do box map and I'm just hoping the roughness will be gone when I actually render it.


I was able to reproduce the problem when the label becomes "choppy", I solved it by increasing the depth so it isn't set to zero, as for the projection, try deleting and reapplying all the labels in that area, choose Normal Projection then click on Position then on the surface because I'm guessing you're having trouble positioning it ... if that doesn't work, increase the depth then go back to Box map or other types but I am not sure it will work ...
I don't know if you can share the file, other than that this is the extent of my knowledge ... more experienced people may be able to help you ...

Edit: Now that I look at the screenshot again I realized that the problem lies in position, click on Position and then on the desired spot on the surface ...


When I'm in label if I set projection to Normal projection and click the position button next to it the done button comes up on screen. I click in the middle of the surface where I want it and click done. Then drag the material to the surface and the label doesn't show up. Notice how it stretches the image and doesn't leave me with any actual image other than straight streaked line of color when in normal projection.


Unless you can send me the file I can't help you further, sorry ...


attached scene and label


You need to have the material already applied to the part; double click the material on the part to call up the editor; then go to the label tab and click position; click on the surface where you want the label to center. You can click on the surface repeatedly to reposition the label, and/or dial it in with the sliders in the editor; then you click the "Done" button in the graphics view. I would have it do "Normal Projection"


It works fine here, unless you're applying a different material after putting the label it should work ... Materials from the library override texture and labels ...


wolf: the picture you posted is using box mapping :P however..

m2tts: thanks! that worked, I always just right-clicked my material and went to edit, made changes and then dragged my "new material" to the surface. Double clicking the surface and going from there worked and I was able to use the normal projection.



Sorry about that, I noticed that after uploading and my network went down ... however, it worked with Normal Projection ...