Strange ground shadow?

Started by Dahlgren79, May 02, 2018, 01:19:06 AM

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Hi, hope the forum can help me with my problem.

I've got a strange ground shadow when I've imported the model from Solid Edge.
I'm not able to reorient the model in KS so the shadow match the groundplane. Shouldn't the groundshadow always match the groundgrid (camera/lens settings)?

To fix this problem, I have to create a new assembly in Solid Edge and reorient the model before I export it.

Any ideas?  :-\


It is hard to see the position of the parts relative to the ground. In this case I would select the entire structure in the scene tree and use the move tool with "snap to ground" feature. And double check it in the geometry editor (if you have a pro license).

Hope that helps



Hi Marco, thanx for your response.
In the first picture, the assembly is snapped to the ground. Thats why I'm so confused?
The grid that's shown is the ground plane, but the shadows is 90 degrees compared to the plane.

I've tried to rotate the assembly with the move tool, but no luck.
I don't have the PRO-version yet, only CAD. Maybe there's more opportunities with the full version?
I will purchase it in a couple of weeks, so that may fix my problem.


What is the size of ground and environment? (Too big or small?)
You can also check:
Hide the assembly and import (add geometry) a cube.

Eric Summers

From your screenshot it almost looks like there is a ground plane intersecting your model. Could there be a surface in your model that has the ground material applied to it?


that looks like an environment sizing issue. Its a standard thing for me to look at when I see this in my imports. But I've never seen the shadows go 90deg like that. I would also cheeck the camera orientation too, the cam might be at 90deg, and that would explain it intersecting with the ground at that angle.

post the project? then we can see what is going on in the project itself. There might be some odd plane there, or an area light plane intersecting with "seen by camera" unchecked. Lots of possibilites


Seems like you guys need to check this out if you want to.
This no big issue, it can be fixed if I create a new assembly and place the part as shown in the picture "strange shadow_fixed" (compare the coordinate system). But if I can reorient the part direcly in KS, it would save me some time.

Check out the attached files. Thanks!


I can't recreate this effect in my current KeyShot 6.3 installation. But what I noticed is:
- the unit system is set to m(eter)
- the bounding box of the entire assembly is about 0.78.. x 0.48.. x 0.079..
- the environment is 25m (radius!)
- the ground size is 12.5

So I resized it as you can see in the attached screenshot (sorry for the german UI)

May a fresh new installation of KS 6.3.36 would solve your issue?!?



That's strange!? Maybe it's my installation then that's make my rendering look awkward? Have to check it out...

Esben Oxholm

Quote from: Dahlgren79 on May 03, 2018, 12:15:47 PM
That's strange!? Maybe it's my installation then that's make my rendering look awkward? Have to check it out...

On my end it opens up strange as well. Like everything is tilted 90 degress. Couldn't find a way to fix it.


I used the floating installation of KeyShot 6.3.36 - perhaps there's the difference to a locked installation!?