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Started by PhilippeV8, September 26, 2012, 02:38:25 AM

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I did a quick product render of a lamp I would like to have :p

This lamp design is based on an idea of fellow students from 2006.  They had a table-top version.
I edited it such that it works suspended as well.
My version has a metal sphere inside with a hole in it at the botom.  The outer sphere has 2 holes.  1 large and 1 small.  The outer shell can be tilted to let the light trough the big/small hole.  This way you can chose how much light you get.

The design it is based on was a single sphere like my outer shell and was placed on either the large or the small hole.  This way they both had light shining trough a bit from beneeth and also trough the open hole.
I admire their concept a lot because it's so darn simple and it does give good functionality to basic shape features.


if someone ever produces this lamp let me know ... so I can get one for free .. huh ?!  ;)


Very cool. I'll get one, too!


Nice design !
but the materials are weird here , why i'm seeying the artifacts ? did you lower the quality of the jpeg or you did not give it enought time to render?


Probably render time.  It just cooked for 10min each.

It's not from post edit, I'm sure.


How did you create the light wash/glow?


In photoshop:

create a selection as a rectangle which has its top in the white oval zone of the lamp and is as wide as the elipse.  Fill it with white and transform to look like a trapezoid as wide at the botom as you like.  Now copy this layer.
Hide the top most layer.  Select the eraser tool with a big size brush with fade.  Now remove most of the botom half of the trapezoid so you get a nice gradient.  Hide that layer.  Show the other.  Now on the other layer erase with the same brush the left and right .. and a small bit at the botom.
Show both layers and adjust layer opacity to your liking.  Finaly add a gausian blur to the layer which still got sharp edges on left/right (lowest of the 2 in my example).

This was just improvised, but I do like the effect I ended up with.


Love the design Philippe. I'd buy one.