What is the difference in the render engines; using the realtime mode as opposed to the regular mode? I've noticed a difference using the same model. I was getting what one user described as "digital mold" using the regular mode (tried the Global illumination quality up to 5 and raytrace paths to 32), while the realtime mode did not result in the mold. The realtime mode took a lot longer to render though.
You did not turn on detailed indirect illumination in realtime nor did you adjust your raybounces accordingly. Set your time in realtime and not the # of frames, and see what you get. You can also turn both parameters off, and then let it just sit and calculate. Stop the rendering when it looks good. This is the same as letting it sit in the realtime window, and taking a screenshot.
Indirect illumination is turned on by default in the "traditional offline rendering".
I hope this helps.
Realtime window, realtime render, regular mode, offline mode, .. anyone else confused.. ::)
Thomas, the realtime render mode does not pay attention to the settings in the you have set in the realtime options tab. I at first suspected this, and made sure the settings were the same in both the realtime options manager and the regular raytrace quality settings. I always have the realtime options set to "Detailed Indirect Illumination".
Sorry thomas, I just double checked, and you are right about the settings affecting the realtime render. But, setting the raybounces higher does not make this realtime look like the raytrace. I've posted my file.
Uncheck "Detailed shadows" in realtime.
I guess that works, but then you lose the shadows on the cube.
Let me check - looks weird.
Quote from: m2tts on October 15, 2010, 08:24:16 AM
I guess that works, but then you lose the shadows on the cube.
Be sure to turn on "show shadows on cube" in realtime. :D
If you make the glass 2-sided then it will look correct. We will look into this why the single-sided glass doesn't perform as expected.