KeyShot Forum

Archive => Support Archive => Topic started by: Jesse.Art on May 03, 2016, 05:00:18 PM

Title: Zbrush to Keyshot bridge texture mapping broken
Post by: Jesse.Art on May 03, 2016, 05:00:18 PM
Been using the bridge since its release and something thats always bugged me is that it seems the texture mapping through the bridge is a bit broken, or maybe I'm not using it correctly.

Essentially what I do is:

1. Model in ZBrush
2. Use the bridge to Keyshot(Usually without ZB polypaint or textures maps)
3. In Keyshot when I try to import a texture map made from MARI it generally doesn't work. Either its fragmented as if ZB scrambled the UV's during the transfer to KS or the texture is blank on the model.

So my question is, with the bridge, am I allowed to utilize external maps or do they have to come from ZB through the bridge? Or is this a bug or am I simply doing something wrong?

KS 6.1.72
ZBrush 4R7 P3
OS X 10.11.4
Mac Pro
12 Core
64 GB Ram
Dual AMD D700
Title: Re: Zbrush to Keyshot bridge texture mapping broken
Post by: Jesse.Art on May 06, 2016, 10:32:06 AM
Never mind. It was user error. I forgot that ZB flips the UV's vertically so I just needed to do that within the material in KS and all is good.