3DsMax - Keshot - Photoshop
Really love this image! Would love to know more about the process or breakdown of how you used the different tools.
Quote from: richardfunnell on May 22, 2017, 06:14:17 PM
Really love this image! Would love to know more about the process or breakdown of how you used the different tools.
Hi Richard! It's on my plans so here is a little bit about the process.
First I spend about 30 minutes looking for houses on the woods to do some likenes of one of my taste.
Finally I Decided for this one: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Yx_b0i7wxK4/T-SYjHlACxI/AAAAAAAAGdc/qrIjLTXLLk4/s640/tiny-house-in-the-woods.jpg
Then started modeling, the idea whas not a 100% copy of the real one.
Order of the process and the attached images:
1 - First started modeling from a box,
The floor was generated using free "Floor Generator" MaxScript.
2 - The Ivy was created with "GwIvy" From guruware.at
3 - Then with Itoo Forest Pack Lite added flowers and rocks
4 - The grass is from 3DsMax Hair & Fur
5 - Then modeled the lamp usgin splines
6 - Few AO and render tests previous to final
7 - Post in Photoshop
This is fun and original! I'm a big fan of models in bottles- many are simply amazing craftsmanship! My only comment is that the model should be larger, such that it would not fit through the neck. These models require great skill, creativity and tiny tools to assemble. So it would be more convincing if the house was larger...
Bill G
LOVE IT. And thanks for the breakdown too. Always cool to see, especially with all of this being geometry and not a photobash exercise! Well done!
Super cool concept!Have to agree with Bill on the size of the models inside the lamp though! :)
Such a nice image. Look at those tiny trees! ;D