KeyShot Forum

Gallery => Amazing Shots => Topic started by: Redsteel on July 11, 2012, 12:54:30 PM

Title: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Redsteel on July 11, 2012, 12:54:30 PM
I'm totally new at keyshot and I'm still testing the program so this is one of my first attempts. Thanks to Mandun for the car model.
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: feher on July 11, 2012, 04:48:03 PM
Great start !
The blurr is doing nothing for the image. Increase your samples to at least 16. That will bring out your taillamps and headlamps.
Can't wait to see more.
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Dylan on July 11, 2012, 08:43:41 PM
Very nice modelling and detail. The wheel blur looks wrong as does the blur on the left of the image. The wheel blur might be better done in Photoshop (radial blur) on a new wheel layer and the layer then transformed to fit the angle of each wheel. The body of the car could be given a motion blur on a new layer, and then erase the parts of the car that you don't want blurred.
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Redsteel on July 11, 2012, 10:49:49 PM
First of all. Thanks for the tips.

@Feher: samples were at 16, I should increase them at 32 or try a different kind of setup for the materials?

@Dillster: Thanks for the compliments on the model I will pass them to the modeler since he's the one to be praised. So let me see if I get this right, the wheels should be rendered in a front view, more like a side view for the wheels but i guess that's the idea, and then added later on post-pro. Ok, I can understand the logic on that. My doubt is, why should I have some part of the body blurred and some not, it's not better to blur the background and let the car shine? and I'm not arguing, I'm trying to learn a new trick here but I want to know why I'm doing it, not just doing it per se.

Besides that it seems like everybody hates the blur  :-\ and I really like it, oh well, back to the drawing board.
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Redsteel on July 12, 2012, 03:39:52 AM
Ok, here is v 2.0.

Thanks a lot for he radial blur tip, I think it really looks way better. :), besides that I increase the resolution and the samples, and did a few minor tweaks, but for image size I have to reduce the rez at half to post it.

Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Josh3D on July 12, 2012, 06:59:43 AM
Wow, really nice first attempt Javier! The last image is great but the car looks more stationary now. I think the blur on the wheels in the first one gave it a little more movement. Really good man!!

Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: feher on July 12, 2012, 07:48:02 AM
OK, the second is much better.
No reason to crank your samples to 32, you're just wasting time and money if your working on a job you are getting paid for.
If the taillamps are or headlamps do not look good after a 16 sample rendering then it's a material you have to work with.
What will really help your second image sit better into the scene will be a darker ground shadow.
Re-render the shot but first make everything a flat black. Then pick a dome that gives you a nice consistant ground shadow under the car. if it's too light just decrease your gamma
in your settings tab. Render it out tiff with alpha then slide it under your car in the psd. You will also want to do a thrid rendering after the ground shadow rendering with ground shadow turned off. This will give you your mask so you can delete the original ground shadow.
Just something to think about.
I should do a turtorial on this.
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: fario on July 12, 2012, 07:58:32 AM
olala, i love very much!

Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Dylan on July 12, 2012, 08:22:58 AM
Well done Redsteel, looks much better now. The car body just needs some blur to make it look like it is moving. There are a lot of ways to do it, a simple one in PS is to duplicate the car layer, add some motion blur and use a soft eraser brush to have more blur at the back of the car, maybe adjust opacity of the layer to suit. You can play with the layer and get it looking right for you. A bit darker shadow under the car will add more realism.
You did a great job, don't take our posts as criticism because we only try to help one another. The members here are polite and point one another in the right direction, they are a nice group of people.
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Shooter on July 12, 2012, 08:49:56 AM

Feher has given you great advice but there's more than one way how to skin the cat :) If you know how to render with MR or VR then working in KeyShot will be like a walk in the park. Just use same logic, everything is there to successfully output every single pass you might need for basic compositing (except layered shader - this is already posted in the request area i believe).

Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Redsteel on July 12, 2012, 03:12:51 PM
@josh: Thanks man, as you can see I'm actually testing it ;D

@feher: I'm always in for tutorials.

@antoine: thanks!

@dillster: ...and I appreciate all the help, all the critics can be used for improvement, actually a good way to get better results is if someone else tell you what are you doing wrong.

@shooter: as a Max user I'm just trying KeyShot, there are too many features that still do not know and with whom do not meddle yet, but you are right, trying to use the knowledge in VR really helps.

Ver. 3.00 and 3.01 at 2400x1600
Title: Re: Alfa Romeo 8C
Post by: Dylan on July 12, 2012, 10:18:49 PM
I like it. Much more dynamic looking now.