KeyShot Forum

Archive => Support Archive => Topic started by: SergioBL on July 19, 2012, 05:36:32 PM

Title: Strange...
Post by: SergioBL on July 19, 2012, 05:36:32 PM
well... i dont know how to start this... every time that i'm ready to do a render, the keyshot window pops out, but the screen is completely black, it not shows any progress, but that's not all, look at the render time!!! i don't know if its a bug or my laptop is crazy... by the way, i'm using keyshot 2.3. someone can help me decreasing render time? i'm rendering an image with DOF and the time on the image is true (about 10 hours with the 43%) my renders settings are:

Samples: 32
Ray bounces: 8
aa: 2
shadow q: 2
global ilumination: 3
pixel filter size: 1.5
DOF: 2

thanks for the help!!

Title: Re: Strange...
Post by: guest84672 on July 20, 2012, 06:49:19 AM
If you are rendering the exterior then GI quality of 1 is sufficient. 32 samples are high, 24 may be sufficient. AA quality at 2 may not be necessary.

As far as ray bounces go, it depends on what part of the vehicle you are rendering. If you have headlights in the shot, then you may need to increase the # of ray bounces.
Title: Re: Strange...
Post by: SergioBL on July 20, 2012, 11:50:14 AM
thanks for the tips thomas!!! i will try those settigs as soon as i can... the complete render took me about 18 hours with my 2 humble cpus and is in the amazing shots section with the orange GT3, i hope you can see it!! By the way, what can i do about the black screen? i can't see the progress of the render... or is my computer?? Thanks Thomas!!
Title: Re: Strange...
Post by: guest84672 on July 20, 2012, 04:50:24 PM
2 cpus - yes, that is tough. You may want to try realtime render mode, and set the time to render.

The black screen is weird. I wonder whether it has to do with refreshing? Can you move the window and see whether it will refresh?