KeyShot Forum

Other => Wish List => Topic started by: CAClark on August 08, 2012, 03:43:43 AM

Title: Material Archive Idea
Post by: CAClark on August 08, 2012, 03:43:43 AM
Hi Folks

I'm currently working on a project which involves cross sectional models of medical equipment. Each one has besically the same (extensive) surface/material names, and I had an idea which is like a rehash of the material templates functionality. It would work thus:

This way I only have to go through applying materials to the first one, and I can just re-apply the materials from one to the next in one go.

Title: Re: Material Archive Idea
Post by: fario on August 10, 2012, 03:00:10 AM
yes I agree completely.

Title: Re: Material Archive Idea
Post by: PhilippeV8 on August 10, 2012, 04:09:40 AM
At this moment I am using the material template by creating new ones and joinging all valid entries in notepad in a single file.

e.g.  I've got color 255:255:255 on import, I aply "glass" to it and save the file.  The next day I open the file and change the glass to green glass .. and re-make the material template.  The 255:255:255 entry will be lost and it'll have glass to green glass in it.  Also sometimes it makes entries that are like: green glass is green glass ... totaly useless.

This all might have changed in the latest release, I don't know .. I'm still waiting for IT to come over and update my KS.

On the other hand, I've mastered my work-around and now if I import my basic scene, I don't have to texture any of it, even if I made changes to it.  Which is a great deal of work saved.
Title: Re: Material Archive Idea
Post by: fario on August 10, 2012, 06:15:00 AM
just read this:,2202.0.html,3540.0.html

I personally have never liked ... and understood .... the use of the palette: "template material"

I find this feature really not very ergonomic and visual enough.

Sometimes it drives me crazy.

I think a pallet containing the history of the materials used, by project, is better and easier to use.

Title: Re: Material Archive Idea
Post by: KeyShot on September 23, 2012, 12:24:42 PM
If you load a previously created bip file with materials assigned then you can import a new piece of geometry with the retain material option enabled. That will assign materials based on your previous model. Material templates can provide a more powerful and flexible way of doing this. With material templates you can also do it by part name for example and you can include wildcards.