KS 3 camera distance shift error

Started by Zauto, December 22, 2011, 05:21:13 AM

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 We've come upon a camera shifting error that happens in KS3.  If we switch from one saved camera view to another and back again
the distance setting is off a around 2 units. From 10.223 to 8.488 is how it changes in one particular file.


I've noticed this also, but did not think to look at the settings.  I caught it when I did a series of beauty shots, each with a different saved camera, and then painted up the model for clown passes.  I went back to my saved cameras and rendered them out.  But they did not match up when I placed them in Photoshop.  Never happened in KS2.

I've also noticed that if you render at, say, 3000 wide, you come back and it's changed to 2099 or something.  So for each render I double check the setting.

Bill G


We will take a look. We have notice a number of inconsistencies.