KS3 Bugs

Started by jjeconomaki, December 19, 2011, 10:10:41 AM

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Hi KeShooters,

I would like to point out another problems on KeyShot3 (3.0.93 on Win7 x64).

1. Environment Rotation: Key-in or Drag-dial

When I key-in the rotation angle, the environment is rotated but light/shadow stays same as before!
When I drag the rotation angle dial, light/shadow is changed correctly.
In my experience, this is a traditional bug...it also existed on KeyShot 2.x.

2. Strange frame lines on Snapshot

When I snapshot the image, it contains black frame line on up and right side.
Normal render is no problem.

I attached several images.

Thanks in advance,

Chad Holton

Thanks for the heads-up, kyosen. I will look into these.


John from Shark or Cobalt have you tried exporting STEP instead? You should get tesselation control that way.


Hi Kevin-

STEP is completely unreliable--artifacts, strange shapes, missing surfaces. Unusable.



That must be a Shark issue John. I'm using STEP with SolidWorks and CATIA on fairly complex parts with no big issues.



Probably is a Shark issue.  I can get Catia 4 to work, 3ds and obj.  More testing this week, my new dual Xeon box should arrive tomorrow with 24gig of ram. We will see...
