Extension of Ground material to full-blown objects matting

Started by DriesV, February 26, 2013, 05:47:41 AM

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I love the new Ground material. It's great at catching shadows and/or reflections on a single plane!
However, I still need to do some work in Photoshop to get shadows & reflections on more than 1 'ground' plane:e.g. simultaneously reflections on floor and shadows on wall. Currently this can't be done in 1 shot in KeyShot. I always get artifacts (http://keyshot.com/forum/index.php/topic,5334.0.html) when applying the Ground material to perpendicular planes.

I'd love to be able to use the Ground material on 'dummy' 3D geometry to match objects in a backplate. In such a way that rendered objects are seemingly reflected and refracted in the backplate objects and that those objects catch non-planar shadows too. ;)

In many renderers this approach is referred to as 'matte objects'.

This is an example of matte objects implementation in iray:

