No negative pin values allowed in KS 7

Started by cw176, October 29, 2017, 04:23:44 AM

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Hi, anyone else noticed that you cant have negative pin values in the environment editor since KS 7, seemed to be allowed in KS 6 but the slider stops at 0 now.
I used to use this a lot to suck some of the light out of environment HDRIs when some of the baked in light sources where a bit blown out.


A pin with a brightness of 0 and alpha as blend mode does exactly the same as a KS5 pin with the intensity of -1 and alpha (blend mode).
This is the regular way since KS6. But KS6 allows negative values without any impact from 0 to -1.

Have you tried to use the new environments named with 4k? They are all build with pins and background. So you're able to turn them off instead of using a negative pin above.

Hope that helps