Artifacts with "standard" materials

Started by Speedster, October 21, 2010, 06:16:52 AM

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Hi all;
Any clues as to why there are black artifacts at the transition joint between the light grey and dark grey handle?  Standard settings, soft box HDR.  Image cropped from one I rendered in the latest KS for a trade show.  I Photoshopped them out before printing them.
Thanks  as always!
Bill G


Is "sharp shadows" unchecked by any chance?



Strange. Is it consistent? Can you send me the file so we can reproduce it here?



No, it's not consistant- first time I've seen it.  I just rendered another one, with a slight change in geometry (nothing to do with the suspect area) and it rendered just fine.  Can't send the file due to the Disclosure Agreement.  I'm not worried, as I think it's a glitch.  Stuff happens!
Bill G


We had the "black pixels" in the past. Hasn't happened in a long time ... keep me posted if it happens again.