Depth Pass issue

Started by Tenchi, May 01, 2015, 07:31:54 AM

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When I check depth pass, render it and bring the .EXR into Photoshop the depth pass is like a Photoshop black and white mask of the object. I know it should be white, where I will adjust the exposure settings to reveal a gradient. But it's just a white cut out of the object over a black background.

Scratching my head, any help would be most appreciated. Thanks


Converting it to 16 bit wil help

Grtz p


add an exposure layer adjustment over top of it.
Now adjust brightness down. It's 32 bit, so the information is still there for now. Do this while still 32 bit.
You can adjust gamma to add/remove contrast.
You'll need to change the mode to match your actual image before putting it in there. You May have to change the gamma to .4545 in order to match your other image? I'm not sure how this works with the depth pass off hand. Normal images will be rendered at a gamma of 2.2. Keyshot does it with 1.8 I think (so only right on a mac maybe?) but that's a whole different conversation. But exr will be rendered at a gamma of 1.0. So to get it back, you have to put the inverse. 1/2.2 or 1/1.85, so .4545 or .5556 depending on if it's 2.2 or 1.8 and if keyshot guys did all that correctly for the correct OS. Gamma is sort of complicated and confusing, so it's unlikely it's accurate for simplification purposes. Just know that if there's not enough contrast, you'll be wanting to use one of those two numbers in gamma to fix it. And gamma is found in the exposure adjustment.

Another trick, if you'd like, is you can use the lens blur most effectively if the depth pass is an alpha channel. A quick way to get that is, show it, hold Ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the RGB channel. This creates a selection, then just save the selection. Selections are saved as an alpha layer. In the lens blur effect, you can choose that layer as the depth layer.
If your image is big, I hope your computer is fast. ;)