round edges once inside keyshot from rhino surface

Started by manonhorseback, November 09, 2015, 12:20:42 PM

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hiya.... used previous versions of keyshot that the round edges was easy to find however struggling in version 5 pro. I go to show part in tree and I think under properties I should have a slider bar to round edges but that just aint there? driving me mad trying to find it!




The solution can be find in the scene tree. Try to select the mesh instead of a group. And NURBS mode deactivates the rounds.

Hope that helps


hiya thanks for a reply....... I think thats what I was already doing selection wise but no rounding option appears? not sure where the nurbs option is your writing about though?



hiya.... i ve had a response from support  : the upshot is I needed to later software ......... though only just had the link to install the one that wouldnt work with rounding.

I ve followed the link and done the lic thing again and the sliders for rounding have now appeared when opening the model!

hooray! so thanks to all that replied to this request


You can't round edges on NURB's/RenderMeshes - NURBs solids are still made up of individual surfaces and as such do not have a true corner/edge to work with, you can only use Round Edges when dealing with true polygon meshes such as OBJ or FBX etc etc, so it would kinda make sense that the option is not there.
