Freelance website feedback

Started by Esben Oxholm, August 16, 2015, 11:56:08 AM

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Esben Oxholm

Hi guys.
I've been updating my website for my freelance rendering works and I think it is time to get some feedback.

I would be very happy if some of you would take a look at it and tell me what you think about it.
Especially feedback on the overall impression and text content would be nice.
Also, if you spot a spelling error a tip would be much appreciated :)

I hope that this post is ok, even if it is not directly KeyShot related?

Best regards


I won't Stalk you, but I will say Hi .... Tested your contact form with some spelling mistakes Esben ... Good luck with your venture and your masters :)



Hey Esben, I like it, going to take a proper look soon, but my first small criticism is the 'mouse over parallax' setting.... kind of makes me sea sick! Have you tried a slow ken burns effect?



Hey, Esben;
I sent you a private email with some minor suggestions, but overall I think you've nailed it!  Simple, to the point, and most important, you state the needs and how you can help.  Good job, and I know it will be successful for you!
Bill G

Will Gibbons

Great stuff Esben! Shot you a direct message through your website. Hope it helps!

Esben Oxholm

Thank you for the feedback all.
Much appreciated. I've implemented almost all your suggestions. It's great to have some fresh eyes to help :)

Thanks again.


Great  website Esben, love the renders that I hadn't seen before, like the chairs and microbe thingy