Render Layers - Separating Shadows?

Started by ldichiara, October 04, 2015, 04:09:11 PM

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Hi All -
I just started playing with Render layers which I think is great - however I was wondering if there was a way to separate out the shadows of my models into a dedicated layer? What I am trying to do is build a composite image in KS and then do some filter effects in photoshop post processing but would not these to affect the shadows. I can mask these out in photoshop but it would be a definite time saver if Keyshot could generate these as a layer.

Thank you -



I think you have to use a separate 'dummy' ground plane on a render layer that catches the shadow.
To get a separated ground shadow you can copy your model(s) and use the material type dielectric or solid glass with a refraction index 1.

may that helps
