Learning resources - Video tutorials, practice scenes and useful links

Started by Esben Oxholm, November 08, 2015, 09:28:11 AM

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Esben Oxholm

Hi all.
( I hope it is okay that I do a bit of advertising as it is very KeyShot related and free)

I am currently putting together a bunch of learning resources. As you can see (if you go there) it is not finished yet, but will soon be. It is aimed at people who are new to KeyShot and rendering in general and at people who wants to get a closer look on how I create my work using KeyShot and Photoshop.

Right now there is only a section of links to places around the web that I use frequently. If you want to get notified when I have some heavier stuff ready like a tutorial or practice scene, then go and sign up with you email at http://esbenoxholm.dk/diy/

Also, if there are something in particular that you guys want to learn about or see how I do, then please let me know. I really want to make something that people find helpful.


Will Gibbons

Thanks! I'm way stoked to see you're doing this. I feel as though you make KeyShot (the program) bend over backwards for you resulting in amazing images. I think it's a great idea. Hope you get plenty of downloads.

Esben Oxholm

Thank you for the support, Will.
I hope I'll be able to help people new to KS learn a trick or two :)