Keeping tidy resources folders - v5

Started by jhiker, June 04, 2014, 07:44:36 AM

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I am determined to keep my Keyshot resource folders tidy this time..  ;)

At the moment I'm unsure whether to utilise my additional materials, textures, backplates, environments etc. by using the 'shared folder' option in the Edit>Preferences menu or simply add them to the relevant 'downloads' folder. Both seem to work OK.
I'm hoping (assuming) the 'downloads' folder will not get cleared out on installing future upgrades?

What method do you use for making use of additional resources while still keeping things tidy


A year and a bit later and I'm wondering what is best practice for consolidation of multiple versions of the same folders - from KS3, KS4, KS5 and now KS6.

Every new install writes its own new set of materials, backplates, colours etc.

What is the best method meant to be to retain customer materials etc that I have made, but also get the "new content" that generally comes with a new release?

It seems that mine is the first reply to your post - so presumably someone has cracked it - but they didn't want to tell you how!

Well, for what it's worth, I'd like to know too.

Currently I'm thinking of using chronosync (a rather clever Mac utility that compares and synchronises folders) to do the comparison between the different vintage files on the OS X side, and then put those onto DropBox, so Windows and OS X sides of two machines can all share the same consolidated resources.

...but I'd love to know if there is a better way.  Perhaps I will start a new topic on the subject and see if any of the KS / Luxion engineers have a better strategy.




FWIW, I submitted the same/similar questions to Support just after v6 was released. I hope that after the rush of the launch questions dies down a bit they will be able to lend some guidance to this issue.

The KeyShot 6 manual has a section on "shared" folders but that sounds more like a network setup rather than a multi-version setup on the same pc. Some clarification would be helpful.


I too wondered how best to do this and eventually settled on putting all my collected materials/backplates/textures, etc. in a 'Legacy Content' folder(s) which I then copy to the current installation of Keyshot.
Once that's done I point to the relevant folder in the 'Edit/Preferences/Folders' dialogue and 'add' it to the resources.
Seems to work OK.

Will Gibbons

Interesting thread. I'll keep an eye on this one. The last solution posted here seems like it would work just fine.