Replace the default start-up scene with a custom .bip - possible?

Started by Esben Oxholm, January 06, 2016, 08:17:23 AM

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Esben Oxholm

Hi guys.

I working on integrating KeyShot better in the workflow of an customer and it would be a great help if is possible to have a custom .bip file open automatically when KeyShot is opened instead of the standard/default scene.

Best case, this also works when using the KeyShot plugin from within SolidWorks. Instead of opening the cad-model in the standard scene, it is imported into this custom. bip.

Is something like this possible?
I searched for a startup .bip-file to replace, but without luck. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, or maybe it works in a different way. Someone, please enlighten me :)



I think your looking for the Preferences to set that.

Esben Oxholm

Cool, HaroldL.
Thanks, that takes me a step in the right direction.

Much appreciated.

Esben Oxholm

Let's say I want to change the default brightness for the new environment that I load on startup from e.g. 1 to 2.
That is, when KeyShot is opened the environment brightness is set to 2 right from the beginning.

Is it possible to change all the default environment, lighting and camera settings when KeyShot is opened?