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Glass Coffee Pot

Started by mikulasek, January 07, 2016, 02:34:11 AM

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I would like to show my last creation. All is modelled in Solid Edge.
I'll be happy to read your comments.




Compared to the size of the gass pit, the glass looks incredibly fragile !?


Hi PhilippeV8,
Thank you for your comment.
It is a very good point. I originally plan to made it out of stainless steel.
Once I put the glass material on it. I became so excited about the making an effects of "boiling" water, so I forgot about this aspect of thin glass walls.

I like the steel option a lot, but the glass one is more exciting to look at.  :)



Yes, the steel option looks very nice. The tilt is disturbing me slightly though :) Nice work on the flames.

Will Gibbons

How were the flames done if I can ask? Great results. I actually like the steel more. Subtle coloration is great!


I spent some time figuring out how to make the flames look believable. Eventually I created surface in the CAD a put on it emissive material with color and opacity textur. I made the texture maps pictures myself using some googled  picture.

I know it is not perfect but it does the job for the moment.


Great approach with the flames!


Thanks Josh.

I thought about using some kind of new texture in this case. I would call it a "Luminosity" textur. It could be similar to opacity texture but it will determine the level of luminosity of the texture.

I think it could be useful in similar cases. .

Magnus Skogsfjord

Saw this guy on the SE-forum! +1 on the steel version. Another +1 on the subtle color gradient on the bottom of the pot. Looks great!