Meanwhile at the competitor...

Started by DriesV, December 05, 2013, 12:02:29 PM

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Wow - thanks for sharing, Dries. Indeed, it makes no sense.



It's still strangely unofficial (no press from Autodesk or Lagoa as of yet...), but true nonetheless.
I thought we learned something when the dinosaurs went extinct. :)

No offence to anyone, but I'm getting disgusted of all the consolidation in CAD/CAM/PLM these days...
Consolidate or die?



Yes, we were just chatting about this, too. It happened a week ago, and supposedly closed in mid-October. Very strange.


On a positive note:
If Lagoa is worth $60 million, then Luxion is worth a billion. ;D
Valuations these days are laughable! Or I am too stupid to realize market potential. Bubble, I say.

Still, please don't sell your soul to the devil. ::)



Don't worry Dries. We enjoy what we do :-)



I received a "Breaking News" email from 3ds the other day announcing the upcoming release of SolidWorks Visualize, the renamed Bunkspeed, as a stand-alone app to be included with the top SW packages starting with 2016 sp1 (or so I am told).

Meanwhile I'm glad I stayed with KeyShot and am anticipating the release of KS6 and an eventual upgrade to Pro.



The CAD industry giants has gone to consolidation mode to a point of being monopoly. I remember in the past that the investment for software, training and hardware was almost prohibitive to an individual. Then there entry level and mid range cad  that cost less and hardware requirements less costly as the pc's got affordable. SWx was snapped by Dasault to be revenue stream against their Catia, same story as for Solid Edge in relation to NX - all set a trend with workstation class gpu  to cash in as cpu prices went down but scaled in performance. I do hope that openCL working with cpu comes in play with keyshot as a supplemental neutral resource availability with current state of gpu baseline feature away from proprietary cuda.

me thinking aloud


I think in the end, it all converges. The renderer with the most efficient and fastest code will win.
GPUs get more complex and general instruction sets. CPUs get more cores.
GPUs still have a long way to go before they reach the same level of flexibility as CPUs though...
Also, Intel is releasing Xeon Phi x200 (Knights Landing) in 2016. That's a 72 core, 288 thread CPU. I think it will be a game-changer.


Quote from: HaroldL on October 03, 2015, 01:48:03 PM
I received a "Breaking News" email from 3ds the other day announcing the upcoming release of SolidWorks Visualize, the renamed Bunkspeed, as a stand-alone app to be included with the top SW packages starting with 2016 sp1 (or so I am told).

Meanwhile I'm glad I stayed with KeyShot and am anticipating the release of KS6 and an eventual upgrade to Pro.


This is a nice one for a quick render but its no where near what KS currently can do like perspective matching, instancing, etc.
And now that KS6 is getting a basic support for interior rendering its clear where this game is heading at.

Renderers are getting crazy these days, just take a look at Clarisse CPU based environment generator with volumetrics that is as fast as Arnold. I get to change the angles, multiply object and get instant results for mattes. That leaves poor Maxwell so behind, unless hyperrealism is your requirement I don't see a point using Maxwell at all.


Any other tough competitor of Keyshot. :D ;)