Vectorworks + KeyShot

Started by RobW, March 13, 2016, 04:12:46 AM

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Hi Everyone, although I typically use Solidworks for product design I also use Vectorworks for exhibitions and interiors and since KS 6 has a new interior lighting update this is what I want to use. So for all you Vectorworks users please find below the settings required to enable efficient updating with KeyShot if didn't already know them:
1. Use colour to classify objects in VW, this is the only classification that KeyShot will recognise (Classes and layers are not recognised by KeyShot)
2. Export files as Parasolid X-T
3. KeyShot file opening settings as follows:
     Scale: Keep Original (regardless of the scale that you drew the file at in VW it will come up as '1' in Keyshot) 
     Orientation: Z (As you already know this will ensure that your drawing is on the ground)
4. Import/Update settings: 'Update Geometry'. (This will successfully update changes to objects and add new objects. Never use 'Add to scene', it   will only duplicate everything)
5. If you want to add a new object this will work nicely with the following setting:
     Add to Scene - Location: Keep Original - Size: Keep Original - Up Orientation should still be Z of course
6. You can rename objects in Keyshot and these will remain in place even after a geometry update
7. You cannot group objects in Keyshot and then update geometry. Any grouped objects will simply be duplicated during an update because KeyShot thinks they have gone

Its a little clunky of course but you can get by and its pretty stable. I hope KeyShot does a Vectorworks plugin very soon.

Many Thanks


