Helmet Fireman Centurion...

Started by Finema, June 14, 2016, 05:13:18 AM

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yes of course that existed...


Great start! Looks like a board game piece. Think about articulation when designing the helmet and how it would be multiple pieces put together versus one piece of geometry.


Hi Finema. I think that the model and texturing is awesome, but that black background it's bringing it down for me. A textured ground plane should look nice if you want to keep the dark environment. And following Joe line of thought, you can put the model on a board game (war strategy kind of board game :P), that would be amazing.


thanks to you
but it's was a joke about fireman and centurion, not a serious rendering :)
I prefer my render of Mayan Flute in this forum section :)

furqan aslam