Export obj as multiple objects?

Started by Wonderboy75, December 16, 2016, 12:30:33 AM

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If I export as OBJ from Keyshot and import into any other 3d program, I only get one single object for my whole scene. This is bad, because I can not create animations since I have no hierarcy or pivots left in my scene. Why can't keyshot export as multiple objects. OBJ supports this?

FBX export is on my wish list, or if the 3dsmax plugin for keyshot could also work in reverse, that would be ideal.

The reason I'm asking is because our company workflow usually starts with a designer making a model in Catia or Solidworks, then the designer imports the model into Keyshot because of it's easy of use, for some quick rendering during development.

Sometimes they end up asking for something more advanced than what Keyshot can do, like animation, water simulation, etc and the task gets handed to me who mainly work in 3dsmax. It would be great to be able to reuse the files that are already translated into keyshot, since keyshot has great Cad file format support.

Improved collaboration workflow between max and keyshot would be nice!


That kind of issue is more down to the licensing of the importer library. It's like lots of apps can read files like SolidWorks but can't export it. Max is an even more extremely locked down proprietary format. As far as I am aware, there is no 3rd party app that can read .max files directly, they all have to operate on a bridge/plugin principle where the parent app, (3D studio max in this case), controls what goes across the bridge. Just as there is no library that I know of to import .max, the same applies for writing .max files.

I have not tried exporting after using KS Geometry editor so I don't know if that would work in creating per object mesh's, however I have imported scenes into Blender that can separate the OBJ's from KS back into individual objects but the renaming is a pain in the butt ... Don't know if max can do the same though ?



My test
In keyshot > 2 object with 2 different material
Export it
Open the . OBJ in C4D and i have 2 object