Lost or missing links to Tips from the Blog

Started by HaroldL, April 06, 2017, 03:18:49 PM

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So what's up with the Quick Tips on the Blog. I see some of them have a music notation icon and when I try to open the tip it isn't there. Has there been a re-ordering of the tips that causes them to lose their place? I had to search for the one on Color Management today but couldn't find it in the Blog posting where I had seen it before. I finally found that the tip number went from 27 to 31.
Now I off to find the one on screen reflections.

Will Gibbons

Hi Harold,

Thanks for the note. I filed this yesterday. My suggestion for you is to go ahead and use our YouTube channel for both browsing and searching. It's youtube.com/keyshot3d

I say this because we have playlists of videos and tips by category and once on our channel, you can search by keyword. Hope that helps!