Importing obj + setting good camera distance / lookat angle

Started by mikekhogan, May 01, 2017, 12:50:05 AM

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Hi all,

I'm a novice with both keyshot and python, but I have a project that requires:
1) Creating models programmatically in Blender
2) Importing models into Keyshot, setting good camera angles
3) Rendering the models in Keyshot

I've solved 1 and 3, but I'm still having problems with 2.

In short, I import the obj then:
- Use opts[snap to ground] and opts[center geometry] as true
- lux.setStandardView as either top or isometric

The problem is that this doesn't always guarantee a good camera angle. Sometimes the distance is too short or too far, or the camera is not panned correctly to provide a good shot.

Is there any programmatic way to ensure that the center of the PROJECTED mass - i.e. the 2d projection onto the camera, not the 3d object - is centered in the camera?

If there is any more info I can provide, please do let me know.


If you are setting up the camera view in Blender export as FBX and you can export the camera settings with the model.



Hi TpwUK - thanks so much for your suggestion, it is indeed very useful. Much easier (for me at least) to do this stuff in Blender.