Jagged shadows

Started by rivets, April 19, 2011, 06:19:19 AM

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I am having problems with jagged shadows under curved shapes. If it is a global problem the square model should also have the same effect?
I have read previous forum posts on this subject and tried everything - real time rendering etc ...
I have found reducing the ground size to almost 0 removes the jags. Changing the render quality to ‘good’ and increasing the global illumination in the advance rendering settings can help but you have a 25 minutes render time for a simple scene like this.
Has any one any ideas?



As a simple trick try reducing the ground size in the environment tab (you may need to enable advanced settings in the preferences to see this option).

-- Henrik


You don't need to increase all the render settings. Use "Fast", increase shadow quality to 2, Samples to 16, raybounces to 6 - 8. That should do it.



Why does it happen only on rounded objects that I have to make these necessary adjustments.



It will not only just happen on rounded edges. The block and rotate it 45º. Notice the jaggies then. Increasing the shadow quality will help get rid of it.