After Update to 2.2.65: no separate alpha cannel in TIFF

Started by RichardB, April 28, 2011, 09:54:23 PM

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Hello guys,

i just upgraded to 2.2.65 and surprised that the TIFF- files with checked Alpha box contains now no separate alpha channel like before. When I open the File in PS it have a fine transparent background but no option to get the environment or background back. I often need a picture with and without background so now i have to render it twice  :-[. No good thing at large BIP's with glow and depht of field at high resolutions and high render settings.
Is this a change in general settings or a bug?

best regards


Solved ;D:

It's not an Keyshot issue.
I have recently upgraded to PS CS5 at now handles Photoshop the TIFF's otherwise than before.
In CS4 everything is like i want it.

How is your workflow with CS5 if you need both versions without render twice?

best regards

