Contrast settings not working

Started by mattjgerard, July 11, 2017, 01:32:58 PM

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OK, I think I know what contrast is supposed to do, make the blacks blacker and the whites whiter.

Well, Unless I'm misunderstanding something, its not working for me. have a look at the screen shots, the contrast slider either in the texture node or in the color adjust node just acts like a brightness control. I'm trying to expand the range of some textures, thought contrast should be doing it? Its being applied to the background tile texture, downloaded from poliigon. I know I've had to mess with the numbers in the past to get poliigon texutres to look right, but this isn't getting me what I am looking for. Higher contrast numbers just darken the whole texture, it doesn't bring the lights up.  Is there another node to accomplish this?

Thanks all!

Esben Oxholm

Hi Matt.
For that I would add in the 'color to number'-node between the texture and the input. I find it a bit easier to do fine control of the contrast using that one compared to just using the brightness/contrast sliders.


Thanks Esben, I'll try that.

But that still leaves me with the same question, even if there is a different way to accomplish what I'm looking for, the contrast slider seems to be misleading or confusing to newer schmucks like myself that are starting to dive deeper into the matgraph and using texture maps.

I'll report back on what I find!